I have started studying for the Platform App Builder Certification exam. I chose this exam for two reasons:
1) Mike Wheeler just released his certification preparation course (
link here)
2) Salesforce.study has a course on this as well. (
link here)
I took a look back at what I did to pass the Administrator Certification exam and the biggest contributors to my success were
Mike Wheeler's course and the materials on Salesforce.study. While I'll likely explore other materials, the effectiveness of these two sources drove my decision to study for the Platform App Builder Certification exam. Also, while I enjoy being an administrator, I think long term being a developer is where it is at.
I am also going to study a little differently. First I am using a time tracker (
link here) to track how much time I spend studying. Secondly, while I am going to create a study notes document, I am not going to publish it all at once. I am going to post sections on the blog weekly.
The purpose of the blog is to showcase what I am doing to develop my Salesforce skills. I think multiple entries will be easier to digest for people as compared to a whole document. Plus it gives me content. While I am doing a lot, most of it is proprietary to my clients. I can't take screenshots of their data, so I'd have to recreate things in my developer account. I have some tools on that and I may start doing videos of it; time will tell.
Regarding my study process, the first thing I am going to do is watch the Wheeler videos. Then I am going to re-watch them and create my notes. After that, I'll tackle the Salesforce.study materials and finally take the exam. In between, I'll likely look for more materials to beef up my knowledge and I'll post those as well.
Happy New Year!!!